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Saturday, February 22, 2014



Why the War on Terror Is Hopeless
For over a year now, the U.S. government has been trying to convince Afghan President Hamid Karzai to sign a security agreement that would allow American troops to stay after 2014. Washington wants to leave 10,000 troops in Afghanistan after this year—to advise and train Afghan forces in how to combat Al-Qaeda militants.

The fruitless effort to get President Karzai to finalize an agreement, perfectly symbolizes how pointless America’s involvement in Afghanistan has been. After liberating the nation from the despotic rule of the Taliban, costing the lives of thousands of soldiers, and spending over a trillion dollars on the effort—our thinking is that a small security presence would be appreciated. I’m sure it has been explained to Karzai a number of times that if Islamic forces were to take over the country again, his head would be the first they’d chop off. This is one of reasons why we’ve been questioning his sanity.

I think the reason why we want to keep soldiers in Afghanistan is because a complete withdrawal would force us to address the question of what we’ve accomplished after twelve years of conflict. The Afghan government is totally corrupt, and the Taliban are in their mountainous fortification, patiently waiting for America to leave.

We pulled out of Iraq a couple years ago, and the nation has become a basket case. Over 500,000 Iraqis have been killed by sectarian violence, and Islamic terrorist groups are stronger than ever. Indeed, Al-Qaeda has seized control of large sections of the city of Fallujah and Ramadi, both of which are located in Iraq’s restive Anbar Province. Iraq is also at risk of becoming a client state of Iran.

I’ve read several reports about how Al-Qaeda now controls more territory in the Arab world than it has at any other time in its history. Al-Qaeda is really a meaningless term. And these terrorist groups don’t have any organizational connection. The reason for the confusion is that we are too cowardly to admit to the real motivation—the Islamic faith.

Osama bin Laden organized the 9/11 attacks because he was a member of a religion that hates America for our support of Israel. Killing bin Laden and his allies hasn’t changed anything. They are like grass. You mow it down, and the blades grow back in a week or two. The strategy hasn’t worked because Islam is the root of the conflict.

The supreme example of our delusional dealings with Islam would have to be how we label attacks carried out against us—by the Afghanis—who we were training to defend their own country. The murder of our soldiers has been called green-on-blue attacks. We will never know if a disciple of Mohamed shouted, “Die you filthy American infidel,” before he pulled the trigger. The details are always hushed up.

There should have been no mistaking the intention of Nidal Malik Hasan when he killed twelve people and wounded thirty at Fort Hood, Texas in the name of Islam. Several witnesses said that Hasan shouted, “Allahu Akbar!” before opening fire. I know the liberal media loves to say it means, “God is great!” in Arabic. Maybe if you hear it in a mosque, but any other time it means, “I’m going to kill you.”

You cannot understand the problems we have with the Islamic world unless you take into account the spiritual dimensions. A few days ago, an uproar erupted when the Afghan government overrode our objections and freed 65 detainees that had killed coalition and local Afghan troops. Only in the Middle East can someone be arrested for murder, and a month later they’re back on the street as if nothing happened.

The most peaceful time for the world as a whole is when the Muslims are too busy killing each other. During the eight years that Iran and Iraq fought their war, they didn’t cause much trouble for us. Israel is currently seeing a respite from violence because the Islamists are preoccupied by the fighting in Syria.

The world would clearly be a much better place if Western leaders had a sterner attitude toward the Muslim world. If we went back over the last two decades and erased any negative events related to Islam, we would be left with a period of amazing tranquility. The Bible clearly states that the children of Ishmael cannot be trusted, and one of the reasons why the Tribulation hour ends disastrously is because we have failed to heed this warning.

“And the angel of the LORD said unto her, Behold, thou art with child, and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael; because the LORD hath heard thy affliction. And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren” (Genesis 16:11-12).


Tribulation Technologies Tightening
Things are progressing so quickly in the area of people-control technologies that I must admit I simply can’t keep up. A new book just out by Tom Horn and Terry Cook called Beast Tech is probably the most recent information encompassing that technology from the perspective of Bible prophecy. But, even their excellent research and presentation can’t keep up, and the authors would be the first to admit it, I’m sure.

This is because 1) the technologies themselves are achieving breakthroughs almost hourly, and 2) the Internet is such an instantaneous medium that the slower-moving book industry lags behind to some extent. Being a writer of books, though, I will defend our own medium by saying that the research is usually more reliable and comprehensive than the "Wild West" the many ungoverned verbal gun-slingers have made cyberspace.

When researching and writing on anything taken off the Net, one must proceed with caution. Many, even within the professional ranks of the world’s top journalists, are occasionally fooled by the imaginations of these cyberspace outlaws who deliberately send out false information or ill-intended directives. This is particularly true of those operating within some of the diabolist nations of the world like Iran, Russia, China, and most of the nations in the Middle East.

Unfortunately, for the past number of years, the United States has fallen under that term of "nefarious news making" in the eyes of many who believe they have seen movement away from truth toward a Joseph Goebbels-type propagandist dissemination of information. This is particularly true with what has been going on regarding all of the NSA, the IRS, and other agencies' misdirection, and outright lies fed the American public. All the while, those organizations, along with the presidential administration, assure that action is being taken to stop the unconstitutional activities. Yet we learn almost daily that these anticonstitutionalist actions are being ratcheted up for purposes that can only be described as political.

It appears that this is joined wholeheartedly by mainstream media and leftist pajama-bloggers for purposes of covering the current president’s lack of forthrightness, and for paving the way for one particular future presidential candidate as the 2016 election draws nearer. It seems that one gigantic election campaign is underway very early–even before the mid-terms have taken place.

And, make no mistake: I’m not so naïve as to lay all of the destructiveness to American liberty at the feet of any one political party. This is a devilish system put together with the acquiescence–even with the eager cooperation—of those central planners, regardless of political affiliation, who make their careers and retirement fortunes within the DC Beltway.

Government’s growing determination to lie to the U.S. populace, aided and abetted by the sycophantic press, makes the developing super-snooping, controlling technologies all the more virulent in the liberty-suppressing efforts to hornswoggle we the people. The dangers are already past the forewarning stage.

Supercomputer capacities for gathering every minute detail of our lives from birth to death now exist. The all-knowing information storage and policing implementation control center is a done deal.

Known as the Utah Data Center, the facility located near Bluffdale, Utah, recently completed, it is supposed, is the brain of America’s most secretive, clandestine service, the National Security Agency (NSA).

The NSA has become the biggest, most covert, and, I would conjecture, most intrusive intelligence agency in U.S. history. It intercepts, deciphers, analyzes, and stores tremendous amounts of the world’s communications as they transmit from satellites and flash through international, foreign, and domestic network cables that are underground and undersea.

According to experts who have studied about the facility, when its final phase is completed, it will be five times larger than the U.S. Capitol building. It has code-breaking capabilities that represent breakthroughs that are astonishing, and that are astonishingly invasive of the American way of life. The potential for unconstitutional intrusion was so great that initiatives known as the Total Awareness Program, meant to use these very technologies introduced by the George W. Bush administration, was voted down by Congress in 2003.

That vote, apparently, has been circumvented. The center will, through the stunning technologies developed, handle financial information, stock transactions, business deals, foreign military and diplomatic secrets, legal documents, and confidential personal communications. All will be heavily encrypted.

Again, I am, admittedly, very comprehension-challenged as to just what all is wrapped within this complex. I do know, however, based upon the very Word of God, that just such a system is on its way for the consummation of the age. It is clearly outlined in Revelation 13:16-18. Tribulation technology is tightening the noose around the measured amount of human freedom that is left in this decaying world. Jesus' return to planet earth is the only hope for what seems to be liberty’s last gleaming.

-- Terry

***Terry James’ New Book***

Never until now has the converging of all signals for the end of the age taken place. The words of Jesus and the Bible prophets thunder in our ears and flash blindingly in our eyes across the news headlines on a minute by minute basis. This is the time we are instructed by Jesus Christ to “look up,” for our “redemption draweth nigh)! (Luke 21: 28)

At the direct center of this convergence is the nation Israel! Zechariah 12: 1-3 is beginning to unfold in amazing stage-setting for fulfillment.

CAULDRON: Supernatural implications of the current Middle East, by Terry James, brings into easy to understand language and step-by-step focus of detail where the present day insanity came from, exactly where that incendiary madness stands, and where it is all taking us in the immediate future and beyond.

Dr. Mark Hitchcock, one of the most notable scholars and writers of our time
on end times matters says the following.

Cauldron is a complete, clear, compelling unveiling of what’s going
on behind the “seen” in the Middle East. If you want to understand the past, present and future of the Middle East and the world, read this book…

Dr. Tim LaHaye, co-author of the multi-million Best Seller “Left Behind” series adds this.

Terry James is not only a good author; he is one of the few who knows why this world is on the verge of self-destruction and what must be done about it. The reason is he has a deep understanding of the End Times prophecies of the Bible, both Old and New Testaments. For they alone reveal the wonderful plan God has for the future of mankind today and for our eternal future. In addition, the book is a great read! Please read it and loan it to your friends.

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