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Tuesday, June 24, 2014

I want God to truly "Bless America" once again.

by Wesley Yerkes

The more I watch the news and hear what the President does and says, the more I realize that so many warnings of our nation's Founding Fathers have been ignored. The Federal government and its various agencies have far more power today than they were ever intended to have. The corruption and abuse of power is rampant and so obvious, but the old philosophy of "the ends justify the means" causes the majority of Americans to overlook these abuses of power. The "ends" meaning that the government gives me free stuff, so I will overlook the means by which it does what it does. Many say that they want unbridled freedom to live in their perversion, lust, drunkenness, and myriad of other "little pleasures," so they don't want to be too critical of a government that allows their vices to flourish.
Yes, there are just a few things that the world today still says are "morally wrong" or "morally unacceptable" (pretty much just human sex trafficking and pedophilia), but even these limits are being pushed by a government that with tax dollars, teaches that we are just a step in the evolution of animals, pays for the murder of children in the womb, embraces perverted "lifestyles," presses for the legalization of prostitution, and encourages the consumption of alcohol and of once illegal drugs. Furthermore, it defies the Constitution seeking to dismantle it while swearing to uphold and to defend it. Ironically it is this very Constitution that gave them their authority to serve in the positions which they now abuse. The primary reason for the huge push for gun control today by many from various angles within our country and also through external means (meaning the United Nations) is the goal of disarming Americans. If they can remove the weapons from the homes of law abiding citizens or at least the majority of them, then they can do whatever they want after that because they won't have to worry about anybody being able to stop them from doing anything else again.
The simple reason they are not ALL thrown from their current offices is because they have bribed the majority of the populous with "freebies", "handouts", "amnesty", "entitlements" and the lie that they are "taking from the rich (1%ers) and giving to the poor. (We are the 99%ers)" These people are not the friends of a once great nation nor are they the friends of "true freedom," but rather they are the planners and the commissioners of our coming self-destruction as a nation. The hand writing is on the wall. Will the majority of Americans ever see that writing before it is too late? When will we start standing up for what is right again? When will we remember that some things are worth fighting for?
Psalm 11:3 "If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?"
Proverbs 14:33-34 "Wisdom rests in the heart of him that hath understanding: but that which is in the midst of fools is made known. Righteousness exalts a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people."
As Christians we are called to be salt and light, but so many "Christians" today are neither. Facebook makes public or at least promotes for "all your friends" to see what you do and what you really believe. I am amazed by what persons who call themselves "church going Christians" put on Facebook. I see carnal fleshly pictures of barely dressed women. I see consumption of alcohol promoted as the answer for a tough day. I see people rejoicing in their promiscuous sexual activities outside of marriage. I read people using vulgar and hateful language towards other people. I see people wishing the death of others who have “wronged” them. None of this is the fruit of a Christ-like life. We are to hate the sin and call it out for what it is, but we are to love the sinner as Christ loved us. Who of us is without sin, but that doesn’t mean we condone or brag about our sin and publish it on Facebook.
I don't wish for the deaths of Muslim Terrorists or of people caught in the destructive lifestyles of various sins like homosexuality and adultery, but I identify their sin, call them to repentance and pray for their salvation. I pray for our President and his family to be saved as well as the rest of the godless people that think they have total control of Washington, DC and America today. There is a coming judgment and it will soon fall on this nation, but if there is any hope left for another national revival or "Great Awakening" it will only come after judgment first begins in the "house of God" - The Church. If we don't confess and repent of our sins and clean out our closets soon, then there will be no hope for America. We will become Sodom and Gomorrah and only the rain of fire and brimstone from God will purge the sin from our land. People in America and around the world need the Great Physician, but they need to see some more genuinely healed Christians first. We must begin living in such a way that people see a difference in us who name the name of Christ, because right now most see a house full of hypocrites. We need to confess our hypocrisy and start really living for Jesus Christ so that the world will listen to the Gospel of Peace again.
I want God to truly "Bless America" once again. What about you?

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