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Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Keeping in Step


In addition to its literal uses, either as a noun or a verb, the word “step” is found in many idioms. For example, one may “step in” or “into” (participate in or intervene in) an activity or position, or “step out of” (disassociate) one’s self from it. If one “steps up,” he advances or makes progress in some manner (e.g., a higher position). If one “watches his step”, he is careful or cautious concerning a situation. A particular task or solution to a problem begins with a “first step” and proceeds “step by step.” If we are in a hurry to go somewhere or get something done, we “step on it or “step lively.” If we “keep in step,” we conform to an activity, practice, or belief. If we “step aside,” we leave some association or position. There are, of course, many other idiomatic uses of the word “step.”

Thus it is simply the case that the totality of our present life is but a “stepping stone” to a future eternity. That may seem to many like a long way off, but the reality of this truth is a reminder of the words of the great Chinese philosopher Lao-tzu that, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”1 Too many people fail to realize this and go on living their own self-centered lives oblivious to what lies ahead, certain that this life is all there is and determined to make the best of it. As I have remarked elsewhere, “Far too often people placate themselves in outright selfishness—even at times out of pure greed.”2

Ultimately, however, God has a plan that is far more rewarding than man can imagine. In this study we shall take note of what the scriptures have to say concerning the idiom “step,” especially concerning those “steps” identified with the godly person.

Old Testament Teaching Concerning Steps

In approaching Old Testament texts it is important to note that as Elihu told Job, God’s “eyes are on the ways of an individual, he observes all a person does” (Job 34:21). God the Father is the omniscient one who not only knows all things, but he observes everything that a person does.3 No one, therefore, should go on with his life thinking that what he does is not only his own business but that God really neither knows nor cares what that might be. Quite the opposite, God, “constantly and insightfully observes every person’s behavior.”4 As Konkel remarkss,

Nothing these people will do will escape God’s notice. Since God is constantly at work in sustaining the world, he sees every step that everyone takes. There is no hiding place from divine scrutiny, not even in death.5

Not only does the Lord know all that happens on earth, including what a person does, but even as the ancient proverb expresses it “A person plans his course, but the Lord directs his steps” (Proverbs 16:9). By this is meant that ultimately God is in control of each person’s life and destiny. As Waltke observes,

A man may plan his road to the last detail, but he cannot implement his planning, unless it coincides with Yahweh’s plan for him. He is deluded if he supposes that he has unfettered control and can impose his will on every situation without limitation in order to make his plan a reality.6

Similarly, Jeremiah tells his people, “LORD, we know that people do not control their own destiny. It is not in their power to determine what will happen to them” (Jer. 10:23). Thus however certain a person or even a nation may be of their future or destiny, the reality is that it is God who determines the outcome of his actions.7 As Laetsch remaks, “ No man can lift the veil that hangs over the future, over tomorrow, over the next step. Man may propose, it is God who disposes, who rules the world as He has determined.” 8 Feinberg adds, “ Man can never direct the course of his life so as to achieve blessing without God’s help….No one can decide the course of his life. God is in ultimate control.”9 How hollow and mistaken then is the sentiment found in Henley’s classic poem, Invictus:

It matters not how straight the gate,
How charged with punishment the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.10

Not only is the nature of our “steps” ordered by the Lord, it is He who establishes them for the faithful believer:

A man’s steps are established by the LORD,
and He takes pleasure in his way.

Though he falls, he will not be overwhelmed,
because the LORD holds his hand. (Ps. 37:23-24; HCSB)

Yes, even a righteous person may at times experience great difficulties, perhaps even a lapse of proper action. Nevertheless, God will not forsake him. The Lord not only forgives his repentant follower, but ultimately He will never abandon him. God will see him through his difficulty, for “The LORD holds his hand.” As the hymn writer declares,

Many things about tomorrow,
I just don’t seem to understand;
But I know who holds tomorrow,
And I know who holds my hand.11

For his part, the believer should not seek to follow his own desires apart from God’s leading, but should strive to so live that the Lord truly “takes pleasure in his way.”12

Not only are the righteous person’s “steps” ordered and established by the Lord, they are ordered by the Lord. As the old proverb expresses it,

The steps of a person are ordained by the LORD—
so how can anyone understand his own way? (Prov. 20:24)

As McKane declares,

No man can walk with enlightened assurance along the path of life by reason of a well- cultivated nicety of judgment and power of intellectual penetration. He is dependent on every step of the way on Yahweh, and without this light on his path his journey is deprived of safe guidance and enlightened purposiveness.13

Ultimately, God who supervises all things sees to their outcome. Even the wisest of persons cannot truly “understand” his own way. As Garrett explains, “In the final analysis we do not understand all that is going on around us or happening to us, and we are guided through life in ways we do not recognize. Trusting in divine providence therefore is best.”14 If God’s Son could say, “Not what I will, but what you will” (Matt 26:39; cf. v.42), even in the face of certain death, how much less should we? We may not know what the next day will bring, but we should be content in knowing that the Lord supervises all that comes to pass (cf. Job 33:11). As we noted earlier, God’s “eyes are on the ways of an individual, he observes all that comes to pass” (Job 34:21) Let us therefore seek to live in accordance with His will and standards, and look to Him for guidance. Thus the hymn writer testifies,

I trust in God, I know he cares for me,
On mountain bleak or on the stormy sea;
Tho’ billows roll, He keeps my soul,
My heavenly Father watches over me.15

A further example of the use of steps in Job is found in 31:4-7. Here Job speaks of his walk before the Lord.

Does not he see my ways
and count my steps?
If I have walked in falsehood,
and if my foot has hastened to deceit—
let him weigh me with honest scales;
then God will discover my integrity. (Job 34:4-6)

It should be noted in passing that Job’s discourse in chapter 31 comes at the close of three rounds of discussion with his “comforters” as to the reason for his suffering. The first round (chs. 4-14) consists of basic arguing and the friends attempts to reason with Job as to the cause of his difficulties. The second round (chs. 15-21) becomes more apologetic in tone as the friends accuse Job of making foolish statements in his defense against their counsel. The third round (chs. 22-31) contains outright accusations against Job as to his righteousness. Job’s defense (chs. 22-24; 26; 27-30) is climaxed (ch. 31) by his firm declaration as to his innocence as to his friends charges or intimations. Job avows the purity of his walk before the Lord; he affirms his desire to be able to present his case directly to God so that he could “give him an accounting of my steps” (31:37).

Returning to Job 31:4-6, we can note how Job launches his final defense: he denies any false motives in his actions, and affirms that God is surely aware of this. As Hartley observes,

“Job is convinced that God is fully aware of everything he has done and is completely knowledgeable about the reasons for Job’s present sufferings. He knows whether Job is deserving of them. … Since God discerns all matters, he is surely not deceived in regard to his servant’s obedience. Job hopes that this oath will move God to reverse matters and act justly toward his faithful servant.16

In his defense Job goes on to express his willingness to have the Lord reprimand him if he has actually stayed in some fashion from God’s standards, whether where he has gone, or looked at, or his hands have handled (vv.7-8). Job’s words are reminiscent of the old children’s song in which the children are advised to “be careful” as to what their eyes see, their ears listen to, their hands do, where their feet go, and to what comes out of their mouth because, “There’s a Father up above, and He’s looking down in love.”17

In Psalm 85 the psalmist sings of God’s goodness to His people. Having pointed out God’s great favor to and forgiveness of His people (vv.1-3), he asks God to be gracious to them again (vv.4-7). In so doing, he calls attention to the fact that the Lord is the covenant God of Israel: “O God, show us your loyal love! Bestow on us your deliverance!” (v.7). The term “loyal love” (Heb. ħesed) is used of Yahweh’s covenant relation between himself and Israel and frequently emphasizes the need for Israel to emulate God’s faithfulness toward them. Thus through Hosea the Lord reproves Israel because despite the Lord’s faithfulness, too often they remain selfish and unresponsive:

What am I going to do with you, O Ephraim?
What am I going to do with you, O Judah?
For your faithfulness is as fleeting as the morning mist,
it disappears as quickly as dawn’s dew. (Hos. 6:4)

As I have remarked elsewhere, although this Heb. word is:

rendered by such English equivalents as mercy, lovingkindness, and loyal love, Hosea has already used it in connection with God’s great love for Israel in terms of His established covenant with them (4:1). In a sense the translation “lovingkindness” in the older KJV remains quite appropriate, for the concept includes the thought of the Lord’s love for His people as kin.18

Calling on the established covenant relation between the Lord and Israel, the psalmist expresses his confidence that,

Certainly his loyal followers will soon experience his deliverance;
then his splendor will again appear in our land.
Loyal love and faithfulness meet;
deliverance and peace greet each other with a kiss. (Ps. 85:9-10)

To be noted is the fact that the Lord’s “loyal love” is in accordance with His great virtues of truth, righteousness, and peace. It is simply true that God’s actions are bundled and especially performed in righteousness: “Righteousness will go before Him to prepare the way for His steps” (v. 13; HCSB). Righteousness is metaphorically depicted here as leading the way for the Lord in all that He does. It is that very righteousness, however, that will bring deliverance and joy for Israel. Perhaps in the fullest sense the psalmist’s trust is rooted in the thought that Lord’s actions are clothed in righteousness not only going before Him but surrounding Him. As Delitzsch suggests,“ Righteousness walks before Him majestically as His herald and righteousness …sets… upon the way of His footsteps, that is to say, follows Him inseparably.”19 Thus God’s virtuous acts provide a solid pathway that His people should tread. Not only is the psalmist certain of the righteous Lord’s deliverance, but he intends that the people should respond in appropriate righteousness (cf. vv. 8-9). Should it be any less true for today’s believers? As we shall note below, most assuredly not!

David often reminds the Lord of his faithfulness. At times he includes such statements while pouring out his heart to God for His help. Thus in Psalm 17 David maintains his innocence and pleads for God’s deliverance from his persecutors (e.g., vv. 6-9). Accordingly, he declares to the Lord that he has “not followed in the footsteps of violent men” (v.4). Unlike his oppressors, he can say, “My steps have held fast to your paths; my feet have not slipped” (v. 5; ESV). This is not mere braggadocio on David’s part but is a testimony of his following God’s standards. Therefore, David is confident of God’s intervention on his behalf against his enemies because of their evil acts against him (vv. 10-12). He then calls again on the Lord for deliverance (vv. 13-14; cf. Ps. 143:7-12). David states his confidence that unlike his oppressors, who enjoy only the good things of “this world,” he say boldly that he looks forward to the time when “because I am innocent I will see your face; when I awake you will reveal yourself to me” (v. 15). As Leupold correctly maintains, by “paths” David “certainly means that in the sense of the paths Thou hast prescribed. God indicated the way His servants are to follow. This servant has followed these instructions.”20

Indeed, a careful walk before the Lord in this life allows a confidence that the believer will see the Lord in eternity. There is abundantly more to await and long for than life in this world. This includes the reality of the hereafter. As the song writer exclaims:

It will be worth it all when we see Jesus,
life’s trials will seem so small when we see Christ;
one glimpse of His dear face all sorrow will erase,
so bravely run the race till we see Christ21

Regardless of life’s trials now the assurance of an eternity with the Lord should inspire believers to a life of faithfulness (cf. Col. 3:1-4; 1 John 2:28-29). Thus the old Korahite psalm declares that despite all the difficulties that God’s people Israel were facing and experiencing, “We have not been unfaithful, nor have we disobeyed your commands” (Ps. 44:18). If this was true for a faithful Israel, then surely today’s believers should remain faithful to God, and “keep in step” with the Lord and His revealed standards. For as we have noted, much greater and more glorious things lie ahead. As the hymn writer exclaims

“O that will be glory for me, glory for me, glory for me;
When by His grace I shall look on His face,
That will be glory, be glory for me.22

An ancient proverb reminds us that there is a large contrast between wise and foolish behavior:

A naïve person believes everything,
but a shrewd person discerns his steps.
A wise person is cautious and turns from evil,
but a fool throws off restraint and is overconfident. (Prov. 14:15-16)

A wise person is astute in his discernment and is cautious as to his actions. Because he understands the consequences of what he does, he is able to keep from evil. As Schwab remarks,

“The simple believe whatever they hear, and faithless heart is sated with its choices. Laughter and joy are even deceptive concealing pain and sorrow. The wise understand this, but the naïve cannot discern past appearances. The prudent are disciplined and careful in their life decisions, keenly seeing past any façade to the truth.23

Thus the consistent practice of wise decision making only increases one’s potential for proper living.

Moreover, following the path of wisdom leads one to a more successful and morally prudent lifestyle. As wisdom instructs his child (lit. “Son”):

Listen, my child, and accept my words,
so that the years of your life will be many
I will guide you in the way of wisdom
and I will lead you in upright paths.
When you walk, your steps will not be hampered,
and when you run, you will not stumble. (Prov. 4:10-12)

As Ross suggests, “Living according to wisdom is like walking or running on a safe road, a course that will be free of obstacles, so that progress will lead to abundant life.”24

The psalmist David declares that following the Lord’s path of wisdom involves full trust in God and will be rewarded with greater strength and success:

You give me your protective shield;
your right hand supports me;
your willingness to help enables me to prevail.
You widen my path;
my feet do not slip. (Ps. 18:35-36)

It is God who gives David not only protection and victory over his enemies but in a deeper sense, guidance (wisely and spiritually) along the way. These verses take on fuller meaning and ramifications when observed in their setting in the psalm.

After the customary opening praise to the Lord (vv.1-3), David speaks of his time of distress in which he cried to the Lord and He listened to David’s cry for help (vv. 4-6). David then tells of his deliverance. Interestingly, David begins that account with a description, which has similarities to God’s deliverance of His people at the time of the Exodus (vv. 7-15; cf. Exod. 15:1-18; Ps. 77:15-20; Hab. 3:3-15) and concludes with a testimony to God’s kind help (vv. 16-19). In the following section, David points to possible reasons for God’s help, such as David’s righteous walk before the Lord (vv. 20-24) and the Lord’s great faithfulness in helping those who live accordingly (vv. 25-29).

The closing portion of the psalm contains a testimony to God who gives victory in the battle against an unrighteous enemy (vv. 30-45) and concludes (vv. 46-49) with a high note of praise to the Lord:

He gives his chosen king magnificent victories;
he is faithful to his chosen ruler,
to David and his descendants forever. (v. 50)

Our text (vv. 35-36) comes at the climax of David’s testimony as to God’s protection and support during David’s battle with his enemies. It was by God’s intervening help that David is able to prevail against them (cf. vv. 37ff.). Because of the Lord’s sustenance in these encounters David’s “feet do not slip” (v.36b). Accordingly, David’s ability to prevail is likened to his being on solid ground whatever the circumstances. “Feet” thus becomes a metaphorical allusion to the stability he experienced by God’s help even in the extreme conditions of warfare.

What was true of David’s God-given stability in times of great stress (e.g., in his struggles against Saul; cf. Psalm 18 heading) is true also for today’s believer in his struggles against Satan and all kinds of evil oppression. Therefore, the believer may take courage and find that same stability regardless of what happens if he will but put his firm trust in the Lord. As the hymn writer testifies,

The pathway is narrow, but He leads me on,
I walk in His shadow, my fears are all gone;
My spirit grows stronger each moment, each day,
For Jesus is leading each step of the way.25

By way of contrast, the psalmist Asaph observes,

God is indeed good to Israel,
to the pure in heart.
but as for me, my feet almost slipped;
my steps nearly went astray.
For I envied the arrogant;
I saw the prosperity of the wicked. (Ps. 73:1-2; HCSB)

As I have noted elsewhere, the psalmist, because of his many trials and troubles,

had plunged himself into a depressed condition. He was like someone who walks on slippery ground. His problem was a spiritual one. Although he thought that he was living a good and proper life before the Lord, his own life was nevertheless in a state of turmoil. As he contemplated those who were proud and rich, he concluded that they were faring well despite their sinfulness. 26

The psalmist’s problem was that in viewing the success of the sinful wealthy, he considered that perhaps his attempts to live a godly life were in vain (cf. vv. 3-14). Eventually he came to the end of himself and took his case to the Lord. He then came to grips with his mistaken notions and so renewed his confidence in and dedication to the Lord: “But as for me, God’s presence is all I need” (v.28; cf. Ps. 119:133).

May we learn from the psalmist’s difficulties as we face difficult circumstances and times. May we not envy the seeming successes of those proud and wayward rich who are godless in their ways, but put our full trust in the Lord. Moreover, as Futato says, we must always remember that a more glorious future lies ahead for us: “At times, we groan in this life (Rom. 8:23), but we groan with our eyes fixed on a future that is guaranteed to be glorious by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.” 27

“Steps” in the New Testament.

We note here two examples of the use of the word: “step(s) in the New Testament. In the first, Paul wrote to the Corinthians concerning Titus, his fellow laborer for Christ: “I urged Titus to come, and I sent the brother with him. Did Titus take advantage of you? Didn’t we walk in the same spirit and in the same footsteps?” (2 Cor. 12:18; HCSB).Paul is here drawing attention to the fact that earlier he had sent Titus to them. On that occasion the Corinthians welcomed him and were reverently receptive to what he said and did (cf. 2 Cor. 7:14-16). Paul now points out to them that as did Paul Titus conducted himself righteously. He did not take advantage of them in any way, but was a good steward of the Lord. As Hodge remarks,” Paul and his messengers walked in the same footsteps. That is, they all followed Christ, whose steps mark the way in which his followers are to tread.”28 Today’s leaders may well take heed to the example of Paul and Titus by humbly serving the Lord, not self.

Our second example comes from the Apostle Peter’s first epistle. He charges his readers to be good stewards of Jesus, just as slaves to their masters. If slaves could be mastered and yet be willingly submissive in their service, how much more should the spiritual stewards of Christ! For the Christians’ master left an example to them in every aspect of service:

For to this you were called, since Christ also suffered for you, leaving an example for you to follow in his steps. He committed no sin nor was deceit found in his mouth. When he was maligned, he did not answer back; when he suffered, he threatened no retaliation, but committed himself to God who judges justly. (1 Pet. 2:21-23)

Rather than fighting back or retaliating when they are ill-treated, like their master, Jesus, believers should commit themselves in full confidence “to the one who judges justly.” We noted above cases of Old Testament suffering believers who experienced God’s gracious help. Even more so, because they are united to the risen Christ Jesus, Christian believers can call on the “Shepherd and guardian” of their souls (1Pet. 2:25).

As E. Schuyler English remarks,

Do we suffer unjustly? Is it true that we are buffeted in the world? Why, dear friend, the Lord Jesus suffered too, more than you or I need ever suffer…. Yes, He was the great Example – more, He was the Forerunner in trials and testings.… While in the world it is our lot that we shall have tribulation, in Him, the Servant Son, the Good Shepherd, the Guardian of our souls we may have peace.29

Let us, then, be faithful followers of our Lord, willingly following in his footsteps on the path that he has designated for us. As Hewitt declares,

Trying to walk in the steps of the Savior,
Trying to follow our Savior and King;
Shaping our lives by His blessed example,
Happy, how happy, the songs that we bring.


How beautiful to walk in the steps of the Savior,
Led in the paths of light.30

Summary and Application

We have noted that the term “steps” occurs frequently in the Scriptures in describing man’s life and daily decisions. It is often used to disclose the fact that that man’s “steps” are ordained, established, and ordered by the Lord (e.g., Ps. 37:23-24; Prov. 16:9; 20:24; Jer. 10:23). Therefore, people should trust in the Lord and look to Him for guidance. The believer may then be certain of the concern of the Lord who is himself always faithful and in turn calls for his followers to be faithful (e.g., Pss. 17:4-15; 44:18; cf. Job 31:4-7). The wise believer will accordingly consider his actions/steps and with full trust in the Lord make wise decisions (e.g., Prov. 4:12; 14:15). And as he does so, he will find that God-given endowment that provides strength and guidance all along life’s way (cf. Ps. 18). Yes, to be sure, even the wisest and most faithful believer may at times be carried away by life’s disappointments and troubles (Ps. 73:1-2), but he should come to put his faith and full confidence in God, rather than self (e.g., Ps. 73:28; 1 Pet. 2:21-25).

In light of all of this, therefore, believers should live in full awareness of the Lord’s presence and strength. Theirs should be a whole-hearted commitment to God intellectually, emotionally, and volitionally to Him (Ps. 37:3-5), putting their full confidence in the Lord for all of life’s decisions and actions. Rather than being overwhelmed by personal desires and choices, they should they should look to the Lord so as to follow in His chosen way for them and live victorious Christian lives. Then they will come to realize the full contentment, satisfaction, and joy, which total dependence on the Lord brings to the dedicated believer.

Yes, in light of the full scriptural teaching we may confidently say that a faithful believer’s “steps” are undergirded and maintained by the Lord. We may thus be sure that life can take on a richness that only becomes further enriched by a continued faithful walking in the “steps of the Savior” before taking that final “step” into His very presence., How wonderfully glorious that will be! As Charles Gabriel expresses it:

When all my labors and trials are o’er,
and I am safe on that beautiful shore,
just to be near the dear Lord I adore,
will through the ages be glory for me. 31

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