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Thursday, March 31, 2016

Why Practicing Homosexuals and Transgender People Are Going To Hell

Why Practicing Homosexuals and Transgender People Are Going To Hell

Recently, I have been questioned as to what sets homosexuality and transgenderism apart from other sins. Why do I condemn them so strongly? How can I say they will go to hell, when Jesus paid for all sin?

Is homosexuality worse than any other sin? Or transgenderism worse than any other sin?

Let’s start with the last questions first: Homosexuality won’t send you to hell any more than any other sin. And transgenderism…well, we’ll get to that in a moment. Homosexuality is clearly a sin in the Bible. It is also very clearly stated in the Bible that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God. And homosexuality is included on that list—though with many other sins.

1 Corinthians 6:9-11:

Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.

On the surface, this seems to contradict the idea that faith alone is necessary for heaven. But really Paul is simply saying that these works contradict faith. Someone who truly has faith in Jesus will change. We will not stay in our sin.

That, then, is the answer to homosexuality. Faith in Christ compels us to change our ways, and if someone calls themselves, proudly, a homosexual, then they cannot be a Christian. It is the same with any other sin. If we embrace sin…then maybe we need to look at our faith. For a Christian to say otherwise is basically trying to redefine God—and what is against him. It’s defiance—and one must doubt such a Christian’s faith. The reason why I, and so many other Christians, condemn homosexuality so strongly is because there are lots of people who claim it isn’t a sin.

And it is.

Now…as for transgenderism. A man who thinks he’s a women? And a woman who thinks she’s a man? Do I need to go into that? Simply: What this is, is a man/woman saying, “God, I don’t like how you created me. I’m going to change it.” This is one of the greatest forms of defiance a person can commit. It’s a great sin, and a great shame.

Should they repent and accept Jesus Christ all is forgiven - pray for them to get saved!

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